Email Marketing

Harness the potential of email marketing with our skilled team. We design targeted campaigns that captivate your audience, fostering engagement and driving conversions.

Strategize, Reach Out, Convert - Unlock more options Through Emails

Unleash the power of email marketing with our expert team. We craft strategic campaigns that resonate with your audience, driving engagement and conversions.

Email marketing tools we use

we leverage a diverse range of email marketing tools to deliver exceptional results for our clients. By carefully selecting and expertly using these services, we can create highly targeted and personalized email campaigns.


Offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of templates and automation options.


Combines email marketing with CRM and automation, allowing for highly personalized campaigns.

Constant Contact

Known for its ease of use, it provides customizable templates and email list management features.


Offers an all-in-one marketing platform, including email marketing, CRM, and more.


Provides email automation, subscriber segmentation, and a wide range of email templates.


Designed for bloggers and content creators, it focuses on segmentation and automation.


Offers a comprehensive email marketing platform with automation, landing pages, and webinars.

Benchmark Email

Provides email marketing and automation tools with a range of templates.

Campaign Monitor

Ideal for agencies, it offers easy-to-use tools for creating, sending, and optimizing email campaigns.


Known for its simplicity and affordability, it offers features like automation and landing pages.


Known for its automation and transactional email features, suitable for both marketing and transactional emails.


Ideal for eCommerce businesses, it offers powerful automation and personalization features.

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Steps for a successful Email Campaign

Executing a successful email campaign involves a well-planned strategy, meticulous execution, and continuous optimization. At TRIGGERICON, we follow a comprehensive approach to ensure our clients get the most out of their email marketing efforts. Here’s an overview of our process.

Goal Identification

We start by understanding our client's objectives. Whether it's boosting sales, increasing brand awareness, or driving website traffic, we align the campaign with specific goals.

Audience Segmentation

We segment the client's email list based on factors like demographics, behavior, and engagement history. This allows us to send highly relevant content to each

Content Creation

Our content team crafts compelling email content, including attention-grabbing subject lines, engaging copy, and eye-catching visuals. We ensure the design is responsive and suits the client's brand.


Personalization goes beyond just addressing recipients by their first name. We tailor the email content to individual preferences and behaviors to increase engagement.

A/B Testing

To optimize campaign performance, we conduct A/B tests on various elements like subject lines, send times, and CTAs. This data-driven approach helps us make data-backed decisions.


We use email marketing automation tools to streamline workflows. This includes setting up drip campaigns, welcome series, and abandoned cart recovery emails to nurture leads.

Delivery and Tracking

Emails are scheduled for delivery at the optimal times to reach recipients when they're most likely to engage. We track delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Analyzing Results

Post-campaign, we analyze the data to gain insights into what worked and what didn't. This helps us refine future campaigns and make necessary adjustments.


Based on the campaign's performance and the insights gathered, we continuously optimize the strategy for better results.


We ensure that all email campaigns comply with relevant email marketing laws, like the CAN-SPAM Act and GDPR, to maintain a positive sender reputation.

Feedback and Reporting

We provide clients with detailed reports showcasing the campaign's performance, including key metrics and areas for improvement.

Consistent Communication

We maintain open lines of communication with clients to discuss progress, results, and any necessary adjustments.


What is the ideal email frequency for my campaigns?
The ideal frequency depends on your audience and goals. Generally, a weekly or bi-weekly schedule works well, but it’s crucial to maintain consistency without overwhelming subscribers. Test different frequencies and monitor engagement to find the sweet spot.

To grow your list organically, leverage your website, social media, and events. Create enticing lead magnets, like ebooks or webinars, and ask for sign-ups. Always seek explicit consent and never buy email lists, as it can harm your sender reputation.

The best time varies by audience and industry. Generally, Tuesday and Thursday mornings tend to perform well. However, conduct A/B tests to determine when your subscribers are most active and likely to open emails.

Answer: Ensure you have explicit consent from recipients, use a reputable email service provider (ESP), maintain a clean email list by removing inactive subscribers, and follow best practices for email design and content. Regularly check your emails with spam filters.

With a significant portion of emails being opened on mobile devices, mobile optimization is crucial. Use responsive email templates, keep subject lines concise, and use a single, clear CTA. Test your emails on various devices and email clients.
Key metrics include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. Also, monitor email list growth, deliverability, and ROI. Use these metrics to assess your campaign’s effectiveness and make data-driven improvements.

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